Chlorella: effects, preparations and dosage - Zdraví

2022-05-28 13:55:52 By : Ms. Hilary Li

9.12.2021 / Tereza Tancerová / Articles / 0 commentsYou've probably heard of superfoods.They are loaded with vitamins and minerals and at the same time contain a number of trace elements.One of the many that has received considerable attention recently is the inconspicuous single-celled freshwater alga chlorella.People liked it not only because of its rich nutritional values, but also because of its positive effect on energy, immunity and the function of the cardiovascular system.Although some sources claim that organisms such as chlorella have lived on Earth for about 1.5 billion years, this green freshwater algae was not officially discovered until 1890 by Dutch botanist and microbiologist MW Beijerinck.Today, it is known primarily for its beneficial effects on human health, which is the result of the rich content of vitamins and minerals, the proportion of which varies depending on the species.If we look at it from a general point of view, chlorella is rich in the following substances:There are several species and subspecies of this beneficial alga in the world.In connection with a healthy lifestyle, you will most often encounter the following types or lines:The name Chlorella vulgaris covers not only a specific species, but the whole genus of this plant.You can also find the name Chlorella Japan, which refers to its Japanese origin, but is now widespread throughout the world.Chlorella vulgaris currently includes about 10 existing species of this plant, of which only some are suitable for the food industry.Nevertheless, we usually only encounter this collective designation, under which a number of specific species can be hidden, including less suitable ones.Chlorella pyrenoidosa, sometimes referred to as Chlorella sorokiniana, is without a doubt one of the most sought-after green freshwater algae.And no wonder.This species is one of the most effective.It is known mainly for its ability to remove heavy metals from the body, it also has a high content of chlorophyll, which is a green dye that provides photosynthesis.In addition, it contains the most growth factor called CGF and has a very positive effect on the intestinal microflora and vaginal environment in women.Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a rich source of vitamins, in large quantities it contains, for example, beta-carotene, which is an important antioxidant.It is usually imported to the Czech Republic from Asian countries, where this algae thrives very well thanks to plenty of sunny days.It is grown the most and with the highest quality in Taiwan, followed by Japan and finally China, where the quality is relatively volatile.Chlorella kessleri is an alga that is grown abroad and in the Czech Republic, both in the open air and in the laboratory with the help of artificial intense lighting and another daily regimen where energy is supplied to it by glucose.The latter case is more advantageous for this type of plant, which is due to the longer light duration that chlorella generally benefits.In addition, the proportion of growth factor CGF in laboratory-grown algae tends to increase, which further increases its efficiency.Conditions in our latitudes are not entirely ideal for this type of plant, so its outdoor cultivation is rather not recommended.People praise Chlorella for its many health benefits.These include:Some people also use chlorella to cleanse the body.Women reach for it, for example, after stopping hormonal contraception, when the body copes with hormonal shock.Chlorella can also be helpful in tissue regeneration, convalescence of chronic problems or after taking antibiotics.This freshwater green algae is very often used in the form of food supplements.Chlorella powders and liquid extracts are commonly available.However, chlorella in the form of tablets is the most popular.We can currently find a number of those on the market.Favorites include:We recommend purchasing Chlorella from proven health food specialists and online pharmacies such as:This freshwater algae is also available in combination with other green foods, such as barley and spirulina, which improves the activity of white blood cells, helps remove heavy metals from the body, has antioxidant properties and promotes heart health.Green barley is known for its rich nutritional value, thanks to which it contributes to the overall stimulation of the human body.You can also buy products that are a combination of all three mentioned plants.For example, Chlorella, Spirulina, Green Barley from the Green Trio brand or LIFTEA are available.But you can also buy chlorella for dogs, specifically from the Yoggies brand.The basic rule for using chlorella is to start with a small dose and gradually increase it.For beginners, it is advisable to first try chlorella tablets and increase their number by one to three a day.Initial cleansing side effects may also occur, most often in the form of constipation or bloating.However, this does not mean that it is automatically necessary to reduce the daily dose of chlorella, it is usually enough to increase the drinking regime and stay on the same dose for acute difficulties.After the symptoms have subsided, the amount can be gradually increased again.Of course, those who have more experience with green food can move faster.As for how to choose the target dosage of chlorella in the case of a long-term treatment, it very much depends on what you expect from it.However, for beginners, a daily dose of 3 grams is generally recommended, equivalent to 15 tablets per day, more experienced consumers can continue to increase up to 5 grams of chlorella, ie 25 tablets per day, and the most seasoned can stop at up to 10 grams, which requires consuming 50 tablets per day.Some professional sources even recommend an even higher daily dose.In this case, however, a consultation with a specialist is appropriate.However, finding the ideal dose is of course very individual and you need to listen carefully to your body when looking for it.You can tell that you have reached your goal, for example, by the fact that the unabsorbed amount of chlorella begins to be excreted together with the stool.Due to the presence of freshwater algae, it will turn green.The gradual increase in the dose in the morning - noon - evening scheme may look like this:As the table above shows, it is a good idea to divide the daily dose of chlorella into several smaller ones, the first of which should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach at least half an hour before breakfast, as the digestive system can absorb the most biologically active substances at this time.With the interval between meals, it is then good to take the remaining tablets during the day.However, this is not a condition.It is important that it suits you directly.In general, however, the better the total daily dose is distributed throughout the day, the more efficiently the body can process the active ingredient from chlorella.But it also depends on the current health status of each user.While completely healthy individuals can divide the daily dose into 2-3 smaller ones, diabetics are advised to give up to 5 small doses per day due to blood sugar stabilizing effects.Of course, Chlorella is also suitable for short-term cleansing treatments.Even in this case, it is necessary to start at lower doses and gradually increase them, by up to 3-5 tablets a day.The target dose then depends on the problems you want to solve with the help of algae.For example, it might look like this:This is also a very individual matter, but in general it can be said that after completing one dosing schedule for beginners, you are ready to increase the dosage.That is, provided that the treatment took place without significant difficulties and you do not experience any side effects or other problems after reaching the target dose.Keep in mind that everyone is different and you definitely don't need to stick to exact table numbers.The procedures described above should only serve as inspiration to find what works best for you, not as a written rule.As mentioned above, chlorella is suitable for both short-term cleansing and long-term use.However, this does not mean that it can be consumed continuously.On the contrary.It is recommended to take a break of 2-4 weeks every three months.Then it is possible to use chlorella again according to your needs.Although chlorella is known for its rich nutritional properties and positive health effects, in some cases it can also be harmful.This is typically done after interaction with some drugs.For example, people should avoid using chlorella:Due to the lack of studies, it is not even possible to say whether chlorella is safe in pregnancy.Experts do not rather recommend its consumption during this period.The same is true for breastfeeding women and children under three years of age.However, experience shows that algae have no effect on fetal development and in some cases even help expectant mothers to prevent anemia.Discomfort can also occur with a higher dose.Although there is no risk of overdose with chlorella as such, you may suffer from unpleasant digestive problems such as bloating or constipation.In some cases, you may also experience nausea and fatigue.The good news is that these difficulties will subside as the body adapts to the new substances.Care should also be taken when using chlorella during the warmer months.In some cases, it can cause increased sensitivity to sunlight.In rare cases, there may also be an allergy to freshwater algae, which the person recognizes by difficulty breathing, irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, or diarrhea.These side effects are usually related to the cleansing process and the ongoing adjustment of the intestinal microflora and usually resolve on their own.The lesson in this case should be the subsequent dose reduction, and increased intake of clean water will also help during acute problems.Those who have experience with chlorella certainly know that freshwater algae is not recommended to be drunk with fruit juices with higher amounts of vitamin C. It has the power to "deactivate" some of the effects of chlorella.You should also pay attention to foods high in this ingredient or consciously used food supplements.If you want to be sure that you will get all its positives from freshwater algae, also avoid its contact with a metal coffee spoon or other similar tools.This could reduce the antioxidant effect.Also think about a sufficient drinking regimen, which is recommended to increase when using chlorella, otherwise you may cause constipation.Sources: léká,,, superionherbs.czAfter graduating from high school, she decided to continue her studies in journalism at the Higher Vocational School of Journalism, during which she began working as an editor and copywriter.Today, he focuses mainly on health and lifestyle topics, but sometimes he also focuses on science and economics.He likes to spend his free time watching series, walking in nature and recreational sports.Your email address will not be publishedSave name, email and web page to browser for future comments.© 2020 Zdraví - over-the-counter drugsInformation on the processing of personal data